
Showing posts from June, 2017


It was the summer of 2010 and everyone was glued to their televisions and WIFI connected sources to hear LeBron James decision on where he planed to play for the next few years. Lebron said he wanted to do what was best for him, and even tho  some we're disappointed they understood that it was his right as a free man to pursue happiness as he saw fit. But of course you had the other half who took cheap shots, and performed  satanic rituals on Jersey's bearing the name JAMES. One of LeBron's haters was sports writer, or contributor Jon Greenberg this guy wrote a passive aggressive story, in which he basically said, LeBron was supposed to factor in his decision what the state of the economy would be if he left the Cavaliers.  Greenberg's statement led me to believe that he didn't have a clue as to how, an economy really works and that it's in fact government's job to allow a state to be competitive enough to attract new contracts.  But at the t...